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Righteous Kill

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Quisque sed felis

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Etiam augue pede, molestie eget.

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Hellgate is back

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Post with links

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Ability that it has it smash its foe with sadistic by use of magic which it has that coupled with by magic spell – magic spell that it has and coupled with by forbear spirit denominating can destroy its foe without form that can't descry by its foe view and it also have magic who can destroy its foe by creates one dasyat's explosion in soiled and shaking up all foe that is at its vicinity. Most of ability Chieftain that ranging on attendant spirit that helps she in battle. Utilizing Ancestor Spirit, Cairne for temporary gets to come to pieces keeper spirit of itself. Meanwhile separate spirit, that thing cause damage on that enemy attacks and imitate Chieftain's movement and Echo Stomp's ability. While is ardour and Cairne foses, she gets push for damage physical and speed move, force that clings to how much soul enemy bump. It makes she becomes breakneck physical attacker, particularly while it combine with its attack aura. Ability most eventual so-called Splitter's Earth, strong magic spell area effect which can cause acute damage and deactivates enemy there are many at a swoop. Since is required few seconds to have effect whatever and edge out to avoid alone, the best one for kombo this ability with every consideration magic spell Echo Stomp or ally with disables. But, if many enemy hero that strike this ability. Since ancient time was prophesied by tetua Tauren Chieftain next, one that strength as soldier most strength and far seeing as soothsayer of eldest. After all these years wanders holy land, looking for blessing that of its forbear, Cairne Bloodhoof has proven her as hero already long time is waited. Cairne takes in with it is ardour its strongest ancestor, and present soiled thrilling with merging force from Chieftain and its guardian spirit. No physical balk and also magis can reduce force of is carried away spear, weapon that utilized by its sponsor at ancient time. That is force of this axe that gets to divide that earth is alone. Cairne will shortly take in its wrath on Scourge. Echo Stomp Hails to ancestor spirit for conjoined with it in echos earth to destroy, render is enemies at elbow it is aware. Spirit and Tauren Chieftain well handle damage 80 at that region, Spirit handles magis's damage and physical form handle physical damage. Aware of arouse enemy if they are smashed. If spirit separates from You, still will do part the deep magic spell. 1,4 casts secondly. 

Learn Echo Stomp 
Slamming earth with momen that huge make rift earth is opened that gets to destroy its foe. 

Learn Ancestral Spirit 
Empowering recessed totem at Ragior's back, to handle affix damage on next attack. 

Learn Natural Orders 
Try a fall magic spell who can cause earth vibranting to destroy foe with its gigantic. 

Learn Earth Splitter 
Create one explosion which shockingly which can smash up its foe. 

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